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Re: The future ?

By harrowexcile8/9/2020 10:35Tue Sep 8 10:35:05 2020In response to The future ?

Views: 1304

Hi. I was very interested in reading this thread from geemickey. I used to live on the corner of Carlton Avenue/Earlsmead and was therefore a regular supporter of Harrow Town (as the were in those days) and also a member of the social club. I'm sure that the following was a lot more in those days. Now I have to rely on reading the reports on this website and can see exactly the point that geemickey is making. It must be very disappointing for those people who put in a lot of time and effort into the club.


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Next article in this thread: Re: The future ? by Terence8/9/2020 12:39Tue Sep 8 12:39:12 2020

Previous thread: Beaconsfield 0 Boro 2 by Middx Wanderer22/9/2020 08:53Tue Sep 22 08:53:43 2020view thread