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Re: The future ?

By harrowred (RedHarrow)8/9/2020 13:11Tue Sep 8 13:11:13 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 1144

Another idea could be a youth tournament held at Earlsmead. You could set up 4 pitches (1/4 of the main pitch each) and host a 6 a side tournament in each corner for different age ranges. Most youth football tournaments at Wealdstone, Ruislip Rangers, St Josephs etc cost between £30-40 to enter a team. You could definitely have 4 groups of 5 Or 6 teams playing group games followed by knockout rounds. Have the bar and tea bar open. It’s last probably 3 hours depending how you ran it but would probably bring in a decent chunk of revenue and also open peoples eyes to the facilities and club in the area.

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Next article in this thread: Re: The future ? by Boro Loyal8/9/2020 13:31Tue Sep 8 13:31:42 2020

Previous thread: Beaconsfield 0 Boro 2 by Middx Wanderer22/9/2020 08:53Tue Sep 22 08:53:43 2020view thread