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Re: The future ?

By geemickey8/9/2020 15:14Tue Sep 8 15:14:52 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 1004

I wanted to start a debate and it seems to be working !

It is already clear there is no shortage of good ideas - just a scarcity of people to implement them.

Which comes first - the ideas or the volunteers ? Definitely the volunteers - so how do we recruit them ?

At a club which I follow, I know of people who used to do jobs for the club but they were shown so little
appreciation, or even thanks, that they stopped. They are being won back now.
That is not the case at Harrow. I believe the club highly values its volunteer helpers but there are just too few of 'em.

Writing cheques is all very well and necessary but it may not be sustainable.

Something needs to change, maybe starting with volunteer recruitment - the more you have the less will be the
time & work burden on each of them.

Edited by geemickey at 15:16:24 on 8th September 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: The future ? by Terence8/9/2020 16:11Tue Sep 8 16:11:45 2020

Previous thread: Beaconsfield 0 Boro 2 by Middx Wanderer22/9/2020 08:53Tue Sep 22 08:53:43 2020view thread