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Re: The future ?

By The Majors Hat8/9/2020 20:44Tue Sep 8 20:44:37 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 1330

This season is the ideal time to get more people through the door.
I know of season ticket holders from QPR, Brentford, Arsenal, Tottenham, Chelsea and Fulham who are looking at attending non league games for their live football fix.

Boro need to put themselves 'out there'.
I believe geemickey is a Chesham fan - you only have to look at their twitter feed to see what can be done.
New signings are revealed over a series of tweets. New kit pictures. Managers updates. Fixtures advertised regularly.

Unfortunately we seem very behind the times when it comes to putting the club in the shop window.
For a couple of years in a row now my mate has been enquiring about a replica shirt for his 13 year old son. Given his details at the 'club shop' window and been told that some were being ordered and he would be contacted when they were in.
Obviously not heard a peep from anyone - even to say that there would be no shirts.

Increase the online presence over the next few months and we will attract more people into the ground.
Update the website regularly - there are still articles from 2014 on there.
Send emails to all those on the club database asking about kit sponsorship. It wouldn't take much to persuade me to sponsor a players kit.
We should be getting 300 a week nor 130!

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Next article in this thread: Re: The future ? by harrowred8/9/2020 20:30Tue Sep 8 20:30:19 2020

Previous thread: Beaconsfield 0 Boro 2 by Middx Wanderer22/9/2020 08:53Tue Sep 22 08:53:43 2020view thread