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Re: Langney

By cappers10/9/2020 10:04Thu Sep 10 10:04:05 2020In response to Langney

Views: 848

The FA Cup this season favours the underdog with there being no replays and not even extra time as far as I know so straight to penalties after 90 minutes!

This may come to our benefit later on in the competition if we get that far.

I suppose the advantage Langney have over us is that they have already played quite a few competitive games whereas this will be our first. I don't think the 11:30 kick off does us any favours either.

If the players think we've won before kick off, we could be in real trouble. We need to treat them with the respect we would do if it were a league match.

Edited by cappers at 10:04:27 on 10th September 2020
Edited by cappers at 10:04:56 on 10th September 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: Langney by Earlsmead part-timer10/9/2020 12:17Thu Sep 10 12:17:27 2020

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