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Re: The future ?

By Earlsmead part-timer13/9/2020 10:45Sun Sep 13 10:45:02 2020In response to Re: The future ?

Views: 1064

It is in my view a difficult one this one.

I'm only a fan who's looking in from the outside and has helped out a little for a time when I used to live in the local area.
But I know (as has been mentioned) the club officials and volunteers IMO do a great job in keeping the club going and moving forward.

I agree also the physical position of the club ground doesn't help.
It's tucked away and you wouldn't know its there.
I remember and couple of years ago having to buy some milk in the local corner shop on the way home from a match in Eastcote Lane and the shop owner saw my Harrow Borough FC scarf and said he'd lived in Harrow over 10 years and didn't know the club was just around the corner!
When I said you should try it out he just shrugged his shoulders and said I'm not interested in football !
Perhaps a few signs on match day and before (if the council allow it) saying 'next match against' on the local main roads might help to actually let people know we are there. Especially if they can bring the kids along for free.
Local clubs around my area do that.

I actually think our online presence compared to other clubs of our standing isn't too bad. I'm thinking of Hendon, Hayes and Yeading, Hillingdon Borough etc here. Obviously Wealdstone are the gold standard and what every club non league club at our level would like to aspire to.
Harrowboroscores does a great job on twitter updating every match in real time and the website is kept up to date as well with match reports, pictures etc and features always up to date and relevant IMO.
Google Harrow Borough FC and a lot of good stuff comes up.

But at the end of the day I think to bring in bigger crowds you've got to be successful on the the pitch consistently. Not just for a season but for a few seasons.
You've got to win cups, have good runs in the FA Cup and Trophy, get promoted. When was Boro's last promotion (not championship winning team 1984) , over 40 years ago?

No one is ever attracted to a team that struggles more than its successful and winning teams always will attract fans (provided there's no lock down!)

That's my "two cents worth" anyway.

As always "C'mon on U Reds!"

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 10:49:16 on 13th September 2020

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