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Re: Harrow Boro v Weston Super Mare Match Preview

By The Majors Hat10/10/2020 11:27Sat Oct 10 11:27:33 2020In response to Harrow Boro v Weston Super Mare Match Preview

Views: 629

I honestly believe if we played Bayern Munich and they put their strongest team out you'd still class them as 'nothing special'
Still it's nice to have a glass half full attitude at times.
Interested to see if any new players are in the squad today following the managers column in the Chesham programme?
Or has an improved but not great performance saved some players from the axe?
My head says a 3-1 defeat unfortunately. Let's hope its wrong.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Harrow Boro v Weston Super Mare Match Preview by Earlsmead part-timer10/10/2020 13:19Sat Oct 10 13:19:42 2020

Previous thread: Boro V Weston-super-Mare by Middx Wanderer10/10/2020 09:27Sat Oct 10 09:27:06 2020view thread