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Re: Thats A Blow!

By Middx Wanderer19/10/2020 06:49Mon Oct 19 06:49:42 2020In response to Re: Thats A Blow!

Views: 1141

If a game was going to be brought forward it would have been already done. As said we play on Monday, so good reason not to.
We also have no game on November 7th as we should be playing Merthyr, it is also the first round of the cup so other clubs could be wilthout a fixture. Its far more likely to try & fit a game in then.

The amount of extra work required to play a game at the moment, its fuly understandable if all clubs want leave fixtures untill later in the season, in the hope the world gets back to a bit of normality

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Next article in this thread: Re: Thats A Blow! by harrowred19/10/2020 08:55Mon Oct 19 08:55:41 2020

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