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Return of the reds!

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)20/11/2020 01:11Fri Nov 20 01:11:52 2020

Views: 932

With the season set to kick off again, i'm sure we are all excited. Back watching our Borough! I was wondering what people would like to see when we head back to Earlsmead? As a result of the pandemic we've seen attendances rise, which is much welcomed and I'd like for that to continue. Please drop suggestions for what could be done to make our home games as enjoyable for potential future Harrow fans.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Return of the reds! by Terence20/11/2020 09:03Fri Nov 20 09:03:40 2020

Previous thread: Restart by harrowred19/11/2020 11:14Thu Nov 19 11:14:09 2020view thread