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Re: Restart

By harrowred (RedHarrow)20/11/2020 11:32Fri Nov 20 11:32:34 2020In response to Re: Restart

Views: 749

They sound like the government!

We’re restarting on the 12th, but you can start on the 5th, or the 19th if you want, or a midweek. Upto you!

Only good thing is they seem keen to rearrange long trips for Saturdays later in the season rather than making them midweek games. Good on them for that.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Restart by Terence19/11/2020 16:49Thu Nov 19 16:49:05 2020

Previous thread: We Will Remember Them by Middx Wanderer8/11/2020 11:01Sun Nov 8 11:01:36 2020view thread