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Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League!

By cappers28/11/2020 22:33Sat Nov 28 22:33:59 2020In response to Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League!

Views: 700

But it's not just the response from the UK that's over the top. It's the world in general.

I'm currently in Israel. They had just got out of a second lockdown before I arrived and now they are talking about a third lockdown coming soon. I have to wear a mask at all times when out in public including in the street. I had to spend two weeks in quarantine when I arrived in a small hotel room and wasn't allowed to leave my room. I almost went out of my mind. It's a disaster for your mental and physical state.

I"m pretty sure I've had Covid. I had a temperature for three days and lost my sense of smell and taste for a few days. Big deal! Like the other 95% of people I got over it and moved on. Why all this fuss about a virus that has such a low mortality rate?

My business in Kazakhstan was badly affected earlier on in the year. Fortunately there have been no more lockdowns in Kazakhstan so things are getting back to normal.

These lockdowns and restrictions do more harm than good. It's time to stop hiding from the virus and just accept it is there and get on with life. The vulnerable need to take more care obviously.

As for the football, I hope the season can be completed but I have my doubts.

Edited by cappers at 22:38:01 on 28th November 2020

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Next article in this thread: Re: Leadership Needed From Southern League! by Earlsmead part-timer28/11/2020 22:48Sat Nov 28 22:48:47 2020

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