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Bracknell Away

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)17/12/2020 12:33Thu Dec 17 12:33:30 2020

Views: 922

Hello all, for those of you who have not seen it yet. We have Bracknell away on saturday! Here is all the information you need for the game.

DATE: Sat 19th December
TIME: 12pm Kick Off
PRICE: Adults £5 Concs £3 U16s £1
GROUND: The Lane - RG12 9AN

head to https://bracknelltownfc.ktckts.com/cart to get your tickets! hope to see a big number of us down there...

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Next article in this thread: Re: Bracknell Away by Middx Wanderer17/12/2020 13:05Thu Dec 17 13:05:54 2020

Previous thread: Hanwell v Harrow Boro Match Preview. by Terence15/12/2020 10:52Tue Dec 15 10:52:42 2020view thread