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Newest article: Re: Not quite at the races by Middx Wanderer2/2 14:33Sun Feb 2 14:33:05 2025view thread

Oldest article: Travelling to Harrow Borough by harrowborofcadmin2/4/2015 20:48Thu Apr 2 20:48:03 2015view thread


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Re: Steve Baker Interview - Non league lounge podcast

By geemickey14/2/2021 13:16Sun Feb 14 13:16:27 2021In response to Re: Steve Baker Interview - Non league lounge podcast

Views: 1038

Looking at the league table, either the coaching staff or a number of players, but not the majority, may need to be replaced, whether loyal or not, if The Borough is going to advance beyond being relegation candidates next season.

A change of manager seems totally unnecessary to me. Ours is committed and has achieved some very good results but has on occasions been let down by the skills, spirit, efforts and sometimes luck of some players.

Harsh maybe, but sadly true ?

(A transfer back to the Isthmian League looks very unlikely, by the way).

Obviously good health remains paramount for everyone, so best wishes to all.

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Previous thread: We will not be going to Truro next season by Middx Wanderer20/1/2021 13:47Wed Jan 20 13:47:21 2021view thread