2021/22 season start date
Views: 1061
I see according to the club statement the new season in penciled in to start on Saturday 14th August.
Can't help thinking the Southern/Isthmian/Northern League or FA etc have slipped up here (unless anyone knows different )
Why don't they start the league two or three weeks earlier to give clubs a bit of leeway fixture wise if the league gets suspended due to "Covid" reasons later in the winter? (which I'd say there's a good chance)
There'd still be time for clubs to get money spinning friendlies in if we're opening up the country on 21st June and it don't look like many people will be going abroad on there holidays this summer.
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 10:06:18 on 7th April 2021
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2021/22 season start date by Earlsmead part-timer7/4/2021 09:55Wed Apr 7 09:55:21 2021view thread
- Re: 2021/22 season start date by Middx Wanderer8/4/2021 16:10Thu Apr 8 16:10:47 2021