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European Super League

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)19/4/2021 10:33Mon Apr 19 10:33:52 2021

Views: 852

Having seen all the news about the European super league I am glad I stopped going to professional games as often, this shows how little fans are valued by the higher ups. However it made me think about the best memories I have following The Borough. I would love to know what were other peoples highlights when watching our club over the years, Michael Bryan knocking that lot out of the cup was a recent favourite of mine!

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Next article in this thread: Re: European Super League by Earlsmead part-timer19/4/2021 17:31Mon Apr 19 17:31:28 2021

Previous thread: Steve Baker signs a new deal by Middx Wanderer11/4/2021 16:34Sun Apr 11 16:34:14 2021view thread