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Re: 21/22 Season

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)10/5/2021 23:50Mon May 10 23:50:19 2021In response to Re: 21/22 Season

Views: 1025

Hello Geemickey, how are you? Personally i think the attendances will be the same. Some people will come watch non league after falling out with the higher leagues, some will go back to the higher leagues after being in non league for however long. We will have to see... lets hope its positive. For me, going back will not be the same. Before the virus I was in a routine of going to games home and away regardless of what the significance of the fixture was and not thinking about it. However due to COVID the habit has been broken. Hopefully when the season returns I will get back into it, but as thing stands I think I will be giving more consideration to other interest in life.

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Next article in this thread: Re: 21/22 Season by Earlsmead part-timer11/5/2021 21:09Tue May 11 21:09:08 2021

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