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Re: 21/22 Pre-Season

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)4/6/2021 15:50Fri Jun 4 15:50:31 2021In response to Re: 21/22 Pre-Season

Views: 711

Hello Majors, I was at the game. From what I saw the game was used to try players out. Some old faces played for us, and others watched from the stands. Glad to see the likes of DT back! special mention to coley who captained us for the game, a real credit to the club. Hope to see him starting next season...

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Next article in this thread: Re: 21/22 Pre-Season by harrowred5/6/2021 13:31Sat Jun 5 13:31:55 2021

Previous thread: Situation Vacant at local sports club by Middx Wanderer11/6/2021 09:22Fri Jun 11 09:22:55 2021view thread