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Re: The Gameplan.

By geemickey29/8/2021 07:58Sun Aug 29 07:58:01 2021In response to The Gameplan.

Views: 1076

Some statements of the obvious :

If players had the skills of Premier Lge players they wouldn’t be playing at Harrow Borough and probably not even at Chesham Utd !

Playing ‘out from the back’ is always likely to result in lost possession at our level because eventually players can lose control of the ball when pressured, unlike at Manchester City.

The answer ? Don’t do it – and always pressure opponents who do. They will make mistakes and yield possession.

The vast majority of goals are scored from within the penalty area, so yes, get the ball into the area – but at a height which negates the advantages of tall burly defenders if your strikers are shorter. High crosses are easier for tall defenders to defend but also allow them to physically dominate strikers. Unless you have a couple of big strong front men, high crosses are unlikely to be effective.

What are the chances that a high cross actually finds the head of your outnumbered and well marked strikers, is directed on target and then beats the goalkeeper or defenders on the goal line ?
I’d say 25% x 50% x 50% at very best 6.25% - ie. you may score once from every 16 high crosses.

Low crosses, hit hard into the area, particularly when pulled back from the bye-line, can result in own goals as well as giving attacking players a better chance of winning possession and scoring.

Harrow Borough players need to understand the importance of the FA Cup game v. Ramsgate.
I'd suggest no pay if you lose and a little bonus if you win.

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Next article in this thread: Re: The Gameplan. by Terrance29/8/2021 08:38Sun Aug 29 08:38:59 2021

Previous thread: Played for both Harrow and Poole by APAW26/8/2021 17:26Thu Aug 26 17:26:45 2021view thread