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Re: Who Do We Want In Next Round!

By harrowred (RedHarrow)19/9/2021 16:58Sun Sep 19 16:58:13 2021In response to Who Do We Want In Next Round!

Views: 1216

Good question Terry!

Like you said Bedfont would be a good draw. They did knock out Dulwich and we would go in as big favourites but relatively local and I’m sure it would be a good game.

Other local-ish teams include Wingate, Kings Langley, Welwyn Garden, Hemel/Ware.

I still maintain that Chertsey and Marlow are teams to avoid from leagues below. I would also like to avoid Hayes. A team from Southern Central over Southern South if it’s a team from our level just from an interesting point of view.

I like the sound of Ware/Hemel but am going to guess that we get Aylesbury United or Ebbsfleet.