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Re: From South Park To Fratton Park!

By The Majors Hat31/10/2021 15:31Sun Oct 31 15:31:17 2021In response to From South Park To Fratton Park!

Views: 804

It' still quite surreal.
I have my tickets in hand now and I still can't believe that it's happening.

Midweek trips to Purfleet, Dagenham and many other cess pits back in the mid 90s.
Ignominious cup exits as regular as clockwork.
The threat of relegation unless a new stand was built.
Outfield players having to start in goal

All memories that will make next weekend a very special one for everyone at the club.

Now if we can keep it tight for the first half hour and get the crowd on their back... Maybe, just maybe we'll all be watching the 2nd round draw in anticipation.