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Re: My Team To Beat Portsmouth

By Earlsmead part-timer1/11/2021 18:46Mon Nov 1 18:46:25 2021In response to Re: My Team To Beat Portsmouth

Views: 998

Yes they've all been playing well so SB has got a bit of a conundrum as to his strongest team.
But for me Imran definitely starts in midfield and I would start Michael as well as I think he will be given more time on the ball than he normally get's when he plays in non league games.

Just hope if George Moore or Imran Uche get anywhere near 25 - 35 yards out they have a shot on goal.

Again like Terry , I haven't got a clue about availability or injuries but if Kunle is fit I'd have him on the bench and bring him for at least half an hour .
Whatever happens hope the team give it a real good go, it's certainly a great stage to get yourself noticed for a player.