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Re: A Thriller!!! Swindow 2 Boro 4

By harrowexcile24/11/2021 18:40Wed Nov 24 18:40:21 2021In response to Re: A Thriller!!! Swindow 2 Boro 4

Views: 957

Hi earlsmead part timer. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the person you met at the Swindon Supermarine match, probably a couple of years ago. You introduced me to Mr Rogers as the missing Borough fan. If I remember correctly Borough won that day as well. I've lived in Swindon for over fifty years now quite near to Supermarine's ground. I still follow the Borough's results regularly from deepest Wiltshire, and keep up to date via this forum. That was a very impressive win last night and I'm thrilled to see them doing so well this season. Sadly, couldn't make last night's game. Keeping my fingers crossed that they make the playoffs this season. Kind regards. Tony Knight