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Re: A Loss!

By Earlsmead part-timer1/12/2021 23:11Wed Dec 1 23:11:14 2021In response to A Loss!

Views: 884

I didn't go but did listen to the match on "Farnborough FC Radio" OK it's nowhere like being at the match and it will have a bias towards Farnborough, but we certainly seemed to give them a good game and perhaps on another day we might have got a result.

No doubt they employed the old time management techniques at the the end which must have been frustrating , but I'm sure we would probably do the same .

I did think a draw or Farnborough beating us by the odd goal was possible and it turns out I wasn't far wrong with the scoreline (makes a change I'm nearly always wrong !)
One thing for sure though , Farnborough weren't an "Average" team .
As u say Terry will be interesting to hear from others at the game itself.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 23:12:24 on 1st December 2021