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Re: Hayes is OFF

By Earlsmead part-timer17/12/2021 17:29Fri Dec 17 17:29:57 2021In response to Re: Hayes is OFF

Views: 927

Don't panic Mr Mainwaring but it's looks like my predictions last week r coming true.

Don't make any plans to watch a Boro game for the rest of this year as my prediction is everyone will be called off .

Standby for a lengthy supension next year and probably another voided season come May.
Lather, rinse and repeat for 2023and who knows perhaps 2024 ?

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 17:30:38 on 17th December 2021
Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 17:31:05 on 17th December 2021