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Reply to "Re: Met Police 1 Harrow Boro 1. - Adenola"

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Re: Met Police 1 Harrow Boro 1. - Adenola

By harrowred (RedHarrow)3/4/2022 22:01Sun Apr 3 22:01:11 2022In response to Re: Met Police 1 Harrow Boro 1.

Views: 830

With regards to Sammy Adenola moving on, I wonder how much thought the club are having over giving him potentially a contract like we have seen with some players in the past. Clearly a very good young player who should move up the ladder. Our connections with Godfrey Torto could make keeping hold of him easier, or perhaps have the opposite effect as he has to look for the best interests in his players and may have opportunities further up. Showing commitment to him and offering him a contract may reap transfer fee benefits down the line?

The same goes to Lovre Drazic, a couple of weeks on trial at Bournemouth. Clearly a young player with potential. Do we get him some game time in our remaining fixtures and show a commitment to him or continue to use Strizovic who is unlikely to be with us next season? Though I can also understand maintaining and growing a relationship with a club like D&R by continuing to develop and play Strizovic, as it might allow us to borrow further players from them in the future.

Edited by RedHarrow at 22:02:54 on 3rd April 2022