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Harrow V Hanwell

By Earlsmead part-timer20/8/2022 09:29Sat Aug 20 09:29:15 2022

Views: 695

Well the big West/North West London Derby is thrust upon us yet again . . . (Ahem) or perhaps not ?

Anyway, I've got Boro as down as the the underdogs today.
The London Geordies r playing well and flying. Harrow I think to be fair have had a inconsistent start without a league win this season so far.

Stop me if you've heard this one before. . . . . . . But heart says Harrow, head says Hanwell to win .

C'mon on Boro , buck the form book and get a win (fingers and everything else is crossed . . . . )

Coming up from Dorset to see this struggling through holiday traffic so I've got a lot invested in this one !

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 09:31:17 on 20th August 2022