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Re: I fear it’s gonna be a long season

By Boro Loyal (RangersAsh)21/9/2022 12:24Wed Sep 21 12:24:13 2022In response to Re: I fear it’s gonna be a long season

Views: 727

The start to the season has not been acceptable. However, I do believe the boys are trying. Things just have not gone our way. It happens in football at times. The red cards and soft spot kicks have not helped either! On saturday, Harrow host North Leigh, Just above the drop. It is a great chance to get the season going....

These lads certainly want to turn it around. They really do care about the club. From speaking to them, it's clear to see. Lets remain positive at our next game. Back them fully, who knows what can happen. Stevie bakes is the answer to our problems. Are we all forgetting we went all the way to Portsmouth last year?

Head up all x