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Re: FA Trophy 3rd Round

By harrowexcile22/11/2022 18:42Tue Nov 22 18:42:22 2022In response to FA Trophy 3rd Round

Views: 649

Hi. Having moved to Swindon in 1966 I was quite excited to see that the Boro have been drawn away to Swindon Super marine in the next round of the Trophy competition. I can remember going to see the two teams playing each other in a league game at Supermarine a few years back. I cannot remember the score, but I'm sure that the Boro won. They've had some good results in the past few weeks, so I hope that the trend continues next month. Finally, I also remember talking to some Boro fans, including 'Earlsmead Part Timer' and being I introduced to Mr. Rogers, and having my picture taken which appeared on the Forum. I wonder if the above contributor remembers the occasion and also the score. Great memories. Tony Knight