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Re: Cup final predictions

By harrowred (RedHarrow)19/4/2023 21:45Wed Apr 19 21:45:39 2023In response to Re: Cup final predictions

Views: 469

Well, that performance shows what we have all known for months; that we are utter garbage. The team stopped playing for Baker ages ago, he should have gone when that happened. I get the idea about announcing his departure publicly in the hope that it would have some affect. It clearly didn’t. Hindsight’s a great thing but it’s the reason we are down. Had we changed manager 6 weeks ago, we might have had a chance to stay up.

Let’s hope whoever comes in (anyone know when that’s announced?) can stop a slump and revitalise the club at step 4. Lulling near the bottom half at that level will not be welcome at all.