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Re: Rejecting the reprieve

By harrowred (RedHarrow)17/5/2023 11:32Wed May 17 11:32:38 2023In response to Re: Rejecting the reprieve

Views: 710

I think it partly comes down to the plans put in place since relegation with regards to budget, manager, players. The club had no idea this was happening until it was announced. The likes of Hendon, Hanwell and Hayes have had a while to start preparing. The thinking is we are further behind than ever.

Personally I’d like us to take the reprieve. Let’s see what the club do as they are only considering at the moment.

There’s also an interesting reply to the clubs tweet. It’s about when/how you can appeal from someone called @RabidRobo.

It suggests you can only appeal if;

-A club has been allocated a new division due to relegation or promotion.
-Where a club is subject to lateral movement.
-Where a club has not received lateral movement and had applied for it.

It also says the following is not appealable;

-Relegation from your league whether as a result of a reprieve or otherwise of another club.
-Where your club has not been promoted from your current league.
-where a club was not laterally moved and did not apply for it.

The post suggests that we may not even be able to appeal a reprieve.