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Promoting The Club

By Hold Steady Reds!20/5/2023 16:19Sat May 20 16:19:16 2023

Views: 646

I was wondering if the fans who run our social media would like any donations to fund promoting our Facebook Posts?

I believe next season will be our 90th and whatever league we end up we'll want to raise awareness of the club in an effort to improve our attendances. Facebook allow localised advertising by postcode so we could promote the club's page into the feeds of people living near the ground. Costs vary, it's really variable, but you put your budget in and where and who you want to advertise to and it starts inserting our ad into people's threads. If we spend £12 on it and it sells one more ticket the cost is covered.

Under a slogan like "Follow Your Local Football Club" the aim could be to increase the amount of people following our Facebook page. Once they follow that then they'll get up to date details of any fixtures and events.

It's just a thought, but our Social Media coverage it very good so it'd be nice to give it a boost.