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Reply to "JB in Non League Paper 28th May "

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JB in Non League Paper 28th May

By The Majors Hat28/5/2023 15:03Sun May 28 15:03:23 2023

Views: 612

Nice little article with some quotes from JB in today's NLP
'it took us by surprise (reprieve). Saying that, when I first heard about it I was pleased. It will be more of a challenge'
On how player recruitment has changed due to the reprieve..
'In terms of personnel, it has changed - but nothing has changed in the qualities we want. The principles are still the same. We need players with the right mentality. Ready to work and roll their sleeves up. There's a lot of work to do to get the right characters in '
Very impressed with everything I've seen and heard from him so far.
The club is really behind him.
Hopefully we can advertise season tickets on social media. £7.60 a game for adults and £2.80 for young adults is unbelievably good value.
There are lots of fans of pro clubs who are priced out of watching Premier league games who could be tempted.
Would be a good idea to throw some attention on the club this Thursday when the Alan Carr show that was filmed at Boro makes it's debut on ITVX.
Send a couple of tweets out with pictures of the ground and match action, tagging in Alan Carr #chattyman .and #changingends #harrow #itvx #harrowboro #He has 700k followers on twitter.
Scatter some seeds and see what happens.