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Salisbury 0 Harrow 2

By Earlsmead part-timer13/4/2024 18:28Sat Apr 13 18:28:05 2024

Views: 609

I went to the match today and if that was indeed our penultimate away game in the Southern South Premier League for who knows how long, it was a damn good one.
Boro thoroughly deserved the win against promotion chasing Salisbury and no doubt about it the better team won.

Two superbly taken goals in the first half and Reece unlucky with the penalty in the second, a good save by their keeper.
Apart from the opening 20 mins or so I thought we looked fairly comfortable overall, with the officials having a good game not being taken in by some of the Salisbury players "antics"

A good set of fans anyway from Salisbury who I spoke to, wish them well in the playoffs.

Edited by Earlsmead part-timer at 18:28:56 on 13th April 2024