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Re: Sorry terry

By Terry23/3/2019 17:58Sat Mar 23 17:58:28 2019In response to Sorry terry

Views: 1129

Hello Harrowred lm just composing myself for my article which will appear soon but have you seen Kings Langley remaining games against teams with ability or a Lot to play for.There going to start feeling the pressure when thay are expected to win and as for Poole they have once again failed when theres a big match.Were in the same position as at start of play 4 points behind Theres 6 games to go 18points to win and lm not going to hold back on my views for the article as some may say we were unlucky a goal up and we hit the post.Thats Hogwash a number of mistakes were made today both on and off the pitch.But lm still backing us for 5th and l want to see the guys display a win at all costs attitude starting at Gosport next Saturday not an easy journey rail and sea and bus l believe! Theres nothing to be sorry about Harrowred keep it positive and Come On You Reds!