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Re: Boro 1 Frome 2

By Terry23/3/2019 19:52Sat Mar 23 19:52:15 2019In response to Re: Boro 1 Frome 2

Views: 835

Hello Middlesex Wanderer agreed Preddie and Gough they were fairly solid as a partnership.Micheal Bryan was running the game but he told me Last Saturday at Hartley Whitney when l spoke with him that he had twisted his ankle but he didnt seem in obvious pain and also George Moore going off surprised me.
Frank Keita coming on he didnt Look upto to the pace of the game and within a minute of coming on hes the wrong side of the opposition allowing a dangerous ball to come in. l would have had Mcleod on to shake his fist to demand more from the guys and his obvious ball winning ability.That wasnt good enough today against poor opponents so massive test near the Solent next Saturday. Not just of football ability but character.

Edited by Terry at 19:53:02 on 23rd March 2019