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Reply to "Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game at Gosport."

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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game at Gosport.

By Terry28/3/2019 17:30Thu Mar 28 17:30:25 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game at Gosport.

Views: 781

Thank you Harrowred for your reply.Adam instead of Mitchell l can Live with.But Lewis and Frank are good skilful players no doubt be weve got to make this a battle on Saturday nothing but a win will do weve got to be sure we dominate midfield with a physical prescence with players who are tough to knock of the ball and thats why lm saying Excellence and Mark are needed for this match.Gosport arent going to hold back they are in a relegation battle we saw Frome mixing it Last Saturday and the midfield wasnt strong enough.Ryan Moss lm sorry hes not producing the goods at the moment hes an excellent player and top fella but Mark Bitmead must start and Anthony O' Connors pace and aggression worries defenders but thank you Harrowred for giving your team and sorry l replied at bit Late my mobile phone supplier has had some"issues"Come On You Reds!

Edited by Terry at 17:31:23 on 28th March 2019