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Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

By Terry1/4/2019 10:12Mon Apr 1 10:12:35 2019In response to Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

Views: 889

Right fine l take note of what you say l shall cease calling them a village near Watford in all further contributions.But on this forum its all about helping Boro to get 5th and we are allowed to have opinions on other teams too.No doubt on other forums the same goes on.Ive got the forfeit.One team l vow never to watch is Wealdstone.So if we dont make 5th at the first available opportunity l can when Wealdstone are home l will go and produce evidence if need be of a programme.How about that.Thats a big forfeit Listening to their fans sing anti boro songs for 90mins!