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Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

By Terry1/4/2019 15:06Mon Apr 1 15:06:41 2019In response to Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

Views: 874

Thanks Geemickey for your good humour as always lm sure thats what they all told Fergie when Man Utd were 12 points behind Newcastle l bet they didnt tell Fergie he was in a dream world.Good Luck if they did! But we all know the outcome of that never give in fight for every point and yes Fergie played some mind games and Keegan couldnt handle it.Well thats tough its a hard world and to me when Boro go on the pitch its all about winning.A bit Like Life in some ways.When l ran a business some years ago in the preverborial sense l may have used the elbows to get work.Well as Meatloaf once sang you took the words out my mouth because lm just going to a piece about this very subject where l shall explain we win 5 matches we shall finish 5th.l think personally its between Kings Langley and us for 5th as l expect Farnborough and Poole to draw Saturday and fade from then.

Edited by Terry at 15:54:44 on 1st April 2019