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Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

By Terry1/4/2019 19:09Mon Apr 1 19:09:55 2019In response to Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

Views: 832

Hello Geemickey Good Evening thank you for your kind words lm expecting the first of our 5 cup finals to be a tough game against Chesham who have improved a Lot.But l think our guys Learned how to win ugly Saturday so we put in the same determined performance lm expecting a 2-1 win.As for the Isthmian League its a great League but obviously we want step 2 if poss.Just for now its all about getting to 71 points which l believe will be enough for a play off.Which would be a fantastic acheivement whether we got promotion thereafter or not and of course Middlesex Senior Cup final on 16th April at Brentford.This season has been an adventure as l been with a group of our fans to Beaconsfield Dorchester Farnborough Hartley Whitney and of course over Land and Sea to Gosport.WoW! Not forgetting Staines too! So my message to the fans players and management is keep fighting never give up and Lets get that 5th place! Come On You Reds!

Edited by Terry at 19:16:13 on 1st April 2019