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Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

By Terry2/4/2019 08:28Tue Apr 2 08:28:33 2019In response to Re: Head To Head Boro V Kings Langley.

Views: 808

Good Morning Whispering Minotaur.Thank you very much for giving your points prediction.You mention Man Utd but l remember them all saying at the time they had no chance and the press hailing what a great manager Kevin Keegan was but with fighting spirit and a fierce determination from Fergie and yes a few mind games that Keegan couldnt deal with Man Utd came back to win the title at Middlesborough l believe.Theres 5 games to go 15 points to win.Its all easy on paper its what goes on the pitch that counts.We saw that Saturday we kept playing and fighting to the end and got that vital goal.Yes its odds against we finish 5th probably a 6/1 chance but a Lot way to go yet plenty of twists and turns in this promotion race!