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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

By Terry5/4/2019 12:52Fri Apr 5 12:52:00 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

Views: 844

Hello Cappers great to hear from you.lm not calling them the village near Watford anymore because a fellow forum member thinks its its disrespectful so l shant do it! I shall make this clear l fully respect them absolutely.Like Boro they have Limited resources l suspect and they have put together a very good run of results.Some may call it Mind Games but this is a promotion battle not just of football ability but of character and that word you used Bottle.We all remember all those years ago how Keegan Lost it during that interview when Fergie questioned whether Leeds would try as hard against Newcastle as they did against Man Utd.Ok this is not the Premier League but we all have an opinion on this forum and Kings Langley are being mentioned so much because they are 5th at the mo 7points clear of us!

Edited by Terry at 12:52:30 on 5th April 2019