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Reply to "Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham."

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Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

By Terry5/4/2019 13:52Fri Apr 5 13:52:41 2019In response to Re: My Starting Xl for Saturdays Game v Chesham.

Views: 906

Thank you CUFC General.Well lm not calling them a village near Watford any more.Kings Langley have earned my respect by their recent run of form.As for being better supported l think its near dead heat.But the thing about tomorrow is this.We have everything to play for and Chesham nothing! Your not going up! Your not going down!
Are your Guys up for a Battle Because be in no Doubt thats what Tomorrow will be when You Have So Little to Play for l Wonder! Or Would l be Accused of Playing Mind Games There!
Seriously your recent record impressive but you did start from a very Low base remember proping up the League for a number of months! But Games Are Played On The Pitch Not Bits Of Paper!
But thank you for being in touch its great to have other fans views on this great forum.Shows how far we have come when we were near the bottom nobody from other clubs were ever in touch!

Edited by Terry at 13:54:51 on 5th April 2019