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Reply to "Harrow Bottlejobs No Way!"

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Harrow Bottlejobs No Way!

By Terry8/4/2019 09:58Mon Apr 8 09:58:44 2019

Views: 802

We were accused on Saturday on this forum of Being Bottlejobs because of our unlucky Defeat To Chesham.
So lm giving 5 reasons thats not the case.
1 We are Challenging for 5th Unlike some teams
2 Tell our Guys Saturday We Lack Bottle a number of who went hard in for the ball and risked physical injury.
3 Teams with Bottle win matches that gets them to a final with Brentford at Griffin Park.
4 Teams with Bottle fight to the end and never give in as we saw at Gosport with our Late goal.
5 A team with Bottle is always is in the promotion fight most of the season and not just be happy making up the numbers in the League.
So l hope thats sorted now! Come On You Reds!

Edited by Terry at 23:45:01 on 8th April 2019

  • Collapse threadHarrow Bottlejobs No Way! by Terry8/4/2019 09:58Mon Apr 8 09:58:44 20191 person dislikes this 1 personview thread