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Re: Question For Cappers.

By Terry8/4/2019 20:56Mon Apr 8 20:56:22 2019In response to Re: Question For Cappers.

Views: 811

Thanks Cappers.l agree about Staines! Vital part of the season we have just gone of the boil.l agree Kings Langley and Poole falliable because this serious pressure now.lm ever the Optmistic this Saturday is crucial Whatever it takes However it takes if l have to wave my fist at our players from half way we must get those 3 Points because l have no doubt Taunton will easily beat Kings Langley then the gap will be 4 points with 3matches to go and thens all to play for.
Just to Let you know my Latest altercation with a rival fan was some idiot at Hartley Whitney when some white haired fan of the home side told me to shut up or words to that effect when l accused one of their players wasting time.
I told him to stick to the village pub because he shouldnt be allowed out to go to a football match!
Grays was the worst.
Great to see em Struggling!

Edited by Terry at 20:57:42 on 8th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 20:58:11 on 8th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 22:13:47 on 8th April 2019