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Reply to "Any Thoughts On Saturdays Possible Team."

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Any Thoughts On Saturdays Possible Team.

By Terry11/4/2019 11:20Thu Apr 11 11:20:12 2019

Views: 739

I have taken a shot at the team l personally would play Saturday.Obviously thats my personal opinion who l would play in the vital game with Wimbourne.
So if anyone else has a view please come forward who should be in or out or if you fancy naming a full team to give it a go just for fun of course so we can put in the mix.
Obviously just for fun because Steve picks the team and hes got the final call but no harm to put ideas out there.
You never know it may help to get those vital 3 Points!
So Come On You Reds!

Edited by Terry at 12:08:07 on 11th April 2019

  • Collapse threadAny Thoughts On Saturdays Possible Team. by Terry11/4/2019 11:20Thu Apr 11 11:20:12 2019view thread