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Reply to "Players Who Maybe Released Or Brought In"

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Players Who Maybe Released Or Brought In

By Terry14/4/2019 20:07Sun Apr 14 20:07:41 2019

Views: 790

Ive nailed my colours to the mast and called it the way l see it by naming 4 players who l think should be released in the Summer.
But thats only my personal Opinion which in no way represents the clubs thinking.
So if anyone has a view please come forward the squad urgently needs freshening up in my view and total overhall in our style of play and the players needed to achieve it.

Edited by Terry at 20:08:04 on 14th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 20:08:42 on 14th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 20:10:42 on 14th April 2019