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Reply to "Re: Middlesex Senior Cup Final @ Griffin Park 16 th April"

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Re: Middlesex Senior Cup Final @ Griffin Park 16 th April

By Terry14/4/2019 21:47Sun Apr 14 21:47:29 2019In response to Re: Middlesex Senior Cup Final @ Griffin Park 16 th April

Views: 850

Good Evening Earlsmead Part Timer
Agreed l hope the guys do themselves justice on Tues night give it a good go and see what happens.
As l have just replied to Cappers the whole set up needs a good shake up with new players to come in and much harder work attitude needed.
If some of the current squad cant buy into that tough and they must be shown the door.
We need a Vast improvement on what we saw Saturday attitude wise.From the subs treating it all as a joke during the half time break to the Lack of improvement of certain players who l dont believe work hard enough in training.

Edited by Terry at 21:47:54 on 14th April 2019