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Reply to "Re: Team I Would Pick To Topple Tiverton!"

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Re: Team I Would Pick To Topple Tiverton!

By Terry18/4/2019 11:51Thu Apr 18 11:51:18 2019In response to Re: Team I Would Pick To Topple Tiverton!

Views: 889

Thank you very much for your views as always Harrowred.
My Line of thinking is its still a Live match ok we cant make 5th but Tiverton have a Lot to play and no doubt they make this into a battle in midfield.
In my view Micheal Bryan and Lewis Cole arent strong enough on the ball for a game Like this.
We saw this against Frome and Wimbourne in similiar matches they dont win enough 50/50s and can anyone honestly say they have had a major impact on any match recently.
The same with Ryan Moss how come hes undroppable his work rate and effort have not been there recently its not just goal scoring but putting yourself about and getting stuck in to opposing Centre Halves.
Hafed will start because Gary Ross cant be signed yet
but if l was Steve Baker l would get Gary as soon as we can when transfers allowed.

Edited by Terry at 12:00:25 on 18th April 2019
Edited by Terry at 12:00:54 on 18th April 2019