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Any Other Views On Saturdays Team.

By Terry18/4/2019 17:01Thu Apr 18 17:01:49 2019

Views: 819

Myself and Harrowred have named a full team and Middlesex Wanderer has kindly given his views too.
I want to see a Shake up with some Fresh Faces coming to play in a meagniful game and see how they go and not wait for the Staines game which would tell us nothing really.
So any one else Please Have a Go its just for fun of course but getting ideas in the mix always good of course and now getting to the end of the season descsions will be made who stays or goes.So theres something on the Last 3 games in that regard.

  • Collapse threadAny Other Views On Saturdays Team. by Terry18/4/2019 17:01Thu Apr 18 17:01:49 2019view thread