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Re: The playoff dream is over

By Terry20/4/2019 19:06Sat Apr 20 19:06:58 2019In response to Re: The playoff dream is over

Views: 769

To be honest l use to follow Ruislip Manor before they went bust when Boro were away.So Grosvenor Farm holds some good memories.
I will try and put some gloss on it Wealdstone are Local team and part of the non League family Just about!
You say about the spark Earlsmead Part timer beside Mark Mcleod and Shaun Preddie we are struggling for Leaders.Someone on the pitch who can say Lift things or thats not good enough.
In midfield Bryan and Cole are too Lightweight they dont keep the ball well enough in a challenge and dont do anything special with the ball when they have it.
If you dont control midfield your unlikely to win games.
But as l wrote today watching Broadfields thats the way to be successful.
Some will say its Long ball.Who cares its all about winning and nothing else matters in my book.